Creating Healthy Emotional Boundaries

Thursday, Thursday, Jan. 18th, 2023



3 CEs for Massage Therapists NCBTMB


Are you a passionate service-provider getting tired of trying to “play it cool” during challenging or frustrating interactions?

Are you getting sick and tired of keeping your mouth shut when dealing with other people’s B.S.?

Are you feeling like your workplace interactions are beginning to take an emotional toll on you?

Maybe you feel like you’re stuck in a rut of faking a pleasant demeanor just to please your clients or coworkers?

If you’re anything like me and pour your energy into providing the best service for your clients, or if you feel like you put on your “happy face” when you’re with your clients or coworkers… even though you might have other emotions or feelings at the time…

Join us for a powerful LIVE Webinar that will bring you the emotional and social awareness necessary to enhance your personal and professional well-being.

Check here for upcoming dates.

We will:

  • Explore social emotional theories and connect these theories to our personal experiences as service-providers.
  • Brainstorm emotion management and emotion regulation strategies.
  • Empower you to feel less burned out, exhausted, and overwhelmed by social interactions.

Sign Me Up!

Your Instructor

Dr. Crystal Abitz is a master educator who appreciates diverse learning styles and will adapt her teaching to meet the needs of the participants. She designed this course based on her Ph.D. research that delved into the emotions, emotional labor, and reflective practice of NCAA strength and conditioning coaches during interpersonal problems with their athletes. She’s breaking it down into bite-sized pieces just for you!

From Your Instructor

Hey! I see you, and I can empathize with you. I know what it’s like— to be completely exhausted and socially burned out from feeling like I’m always walking on egg shells, cautious of my words and body language… Always seeking approval and wondering when I can “be myself” and express my emotions or when I need to internalize.

I know what it’s like— to get hives or start sweating when I have a challenging client on my schedule later in the day… to get nauseous when I need to feign confidence and maintain a position of authority when I’m making business decisions (even though I just want to curl up in a ball and cry in a dark room).

I know what it’s like— to want to have my (emotional) voice heard, but not have my career ruined… and guess what? I’m here for you. Let’s get through this together.

What to Expect

This LIVE Webinar is designed to be interactive and reflective. We will have a mix of mini-lectures, discussions, and guided reflections to deepen your awareness and understanding of the course content.

By the end of this enlightening course, you’ll emerge with a newfound sense of awareness, control, and understanding of your challenging and emotionally exhausting social interactions. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your personal and professional well-being, increase your career longevity, and prevent burnout! Your clients, friends, and loved ones will thank you for investing in yourself!


Gain the benefits of this course for a low financial investment of only $105.

What about My CE Credits?

Participants must be present for the duration of the course to receive CE credit. We'll have an attendance check periodically throughout the course to ensure participants are present and have not left the room. Each person receiving CE credit must pay for the course. Check with your state requirements— that is for you to figure out, not us. This course is approved for NCBTBM 3 CE under the Self-Care category. The courses taught by Dr. Crystal Abitz of Legacy Wellness LLC are part of APEX Retreat Seminars. Please see their website for more details as needed.

What if I’m not a LMT?

Only LMTs will receive Continuing Education for completing this course. However, we absolutely encourage anyone and everyone to register and participate! You do not need to be a licensed massage therapist to gain the benefits of this course.

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