Maybe we learned a sample routine or 2, contraindicated acupressure points, a few positioning tricks, but then......that was about it. Believe me, there is so much more to this lucrative and fulfilling field of study.
According to the CDC, as of 2019, there were 3,791,712 births in the US. That means that as prenatal massage therapists, we could potentially have millions of clients nationally! Think about it! What an amazing time to be in an industry that can actually make a drug free pain management plan for this group of women who so desperately need it. Particularly because the average woman is having her first child later in life, which can present a host of biological challenges and physical concerns.
In my career, I have never once met a pregnant person who wasn't having some kind of physical symptoms that made her uncomfortable or in some kind of pain. And even if you get the rare unicorn that doesn't, the mental overload alone can be very taxing and put stress on her unborn child as well. The majority of women today do not get the luxury of laying around, having all the time and money in the world, and a full staff to plan for the needs of their child within a 9-month window. Women today often have other kids, a full-time job, schooling, household duties, and social obligations to meet-not to mention doing all these things in a post pandemic world with higher inflation, higher taxes, and more social anxieties. They're lucky if they can squeeze in an hour just for themselves!
Which is where we come in, the massage industry. We offer a rare hybrid of physical and mental health improvement, all within one hour. The benefits don't stop there either. Serotonin produced during a massage can last weeks after treatment, helping ease some of the pain receptors and mental anguish occurring for our prenatal clients.
Here are some of the essential reasons you should consider upping your prenatal game:
So, what's stopping you from taking the leap into expanding your career? You and your clientele are worth investing into for their bodies and the little ones growing inside of them. It is a precious thing, being able to take care of a woman with child. Enjoy the unyielding benefits that come from growing your prenatal practice.
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